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Old Book References
Practical Blacksmithing (1843)
Practical Blacksmithing v3 (1889)
Practical Blacksmithing v4 (1889)
Farm Blacksmithing (1863)
Machine Blacksmithing (1910)
Americna Blacksmithing, toolmakers' and steelworkers' manual (1876)
Agricultural engineering in development : intermediate blacksmithing : a training manual (1992)
Standard blacksmithing, horseshoeing and wagon making / containing : twelve lessons in elementary blacksmithing, adapted to the demands of schools and colleges of mechanic arts (1907)
Modern blacksmithing; rational horse shoeing and wagon making, with rules, tables and receipts
Farm Blacksmithing: A Textbook and Problem Book for Students in Agricultural Schools (1921)
Practical blacksmithing. A collection of articles contributed at different times by skilled workmen to the columns of "The Blacksmith and wheelwright" (1843)
Practical blacksmithing : a collection of articles contributed at different times by skilled workmen to the columns of "The blacksmith and wheelwright" and covering nearly the whole range of blacksmithing from the simplest job of work to some of the most complex forgings (1843)
The mechanician, a treatise on the construction and manipulation of tools, for the use and instruction of young engineers and scientific amateurs; comprising the arts of blacksmithing and forging; the construction and manufacture of hand tools, and the various methods of using and grinding them; description of hand and machine processes; turning and screw cutting; and the various details of setting out work incidental to the mechanical engineer's and machinist's art (1879)
Steel working and tool dressing; a manual of practical information for blacksmiths and all other workers in steel and iron (1914)
The value of science in the smithy and forge (1855)
The blacksmith's guide; (1907)
Forge-practice (elementary) (1908)
Farm shop work, practical manual training (1915)
Catalogue of general hardware and accessories. (1923)
The smith's pocket companion, containing useful information and tables on iron and steel, for the use of smiths and steel workers (1893)
The blacksmiths' hand book (1884)
Forge-practice and heat treatment of steel (1919)
Machinery's Reference Series - Lathe (1913)
New Web References
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